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How to find us

Apartment Kraker

Lydia and Erwin Kraker

Weitgasse 12

A-5630 Bad Hofgastein


Tel. +43 (0)6432-6050              

Mobile: +43 (0)664-32 06 720            

Fax: +43 (0)6432-6050-4



Arrival by car from the north (Salzburg):

Tauern autobahn A10, Bischofshofen exit, continue on the main road to Bad Hofgastein. Use the southern entrance (3rd road into town), turn left after ca. 300 m (Frischeis or Apartment Kraker sign), at the end of the street turn right.


Arrival by car from the south (Villach):

Tauern autobahn A10, Spittal exit, in the direction of Mallnitz, Tauernschleuse (loading station for cars using the motorail service to Böckstein/Bad Gastein) then continue to Bad Hofgastein. Use the southern entrance here (1st road into town), turn left after ca. 300 m (Frischeis or Apartment Kraker sign), at the end of the street turn right.


Arrival by train:

Bad Hofgastein train station (international railway line Salzburg - Villach), then continue by taxi (cost ca. € 20)


Arrival by plane:

Continue by rental car or airport shuttle

Salzburg airport: 94 km

Munich airport: 260 km

Klagenfurt airport: 140 km